Grieve, Breathe, Believe

Rebuilding Resilience – Transitioning Through Change

Journeying through grief, no matter the cause, can be a daunting and seemingly solitary path. Sadness is often the elephant in the room. No one knows what to say or do. The goal is to get over it as quickly as possible and move on.

What if there is another way? A place/space where the elephant is greeted with kindness and compassion. A way to travel the path guided by your inner compass. To set your personal course to transitioning through the change discovering its transformative treasures, rebuilding and renewing natural resilience. A way to integrate the challenge of change, grow through grief, discovering and welcoming – who I am now.

I believe there is another way. Together we create a safe, supportive space to grow through the change, grief or loss and beyond. Whether by phone, online or in person, I am here to facilitate, coach, nurture and guide you along the way.

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