Being thankful; ready to show appreciation and to return kindness
I love this definition of gratitude. I am filled with gratitude for the many people who have trusted me in some of their most vulnerable moments. I am grateful and I am humbled and I thank you.
I am filled with gratitude for my wonderful husband and children, family and friends who have encouraged me on my journey to fill my treasure chest with offerings worthy of that trust. I am filled with gratitude for those talented people who have, with incredible patience and love, shared their talents and skills with me to help me on my way. Special thanks to Robert Redl for his patience, advice, guidance and technical expertise in the creation of the website and to Karen Hooper for sharing her amazing talent as a photographer, with such humility and love. To Sri Vasudeva, my spiritual teacher, yoga master and guide, Namaskar, you are my inspiration.
I am thankful and I am appreciative of all your gifts. With every client I serve, I am in my heart returning your kindness by giving the very best of me to pay it forward.
MariannĀ Ramaa DeviĀ Canning